No Shows – No shows will not be re booked and your deposit is forfeited
Cancellations (not as a result of sickness)- We totally understand that life happens and sometimes you’ll need to reschedule or cancel your photo shoot! Out of respect for us and other customers, any changes to your session must be made 2 weeks in advance. This includes cancellations and reschedules to a future date. Cancellations with less than a 14 day notice will result in a loss of your deposit and a cancellation fee of $25. If I am able to rebook your time, the fee will be refunded.
A Retainer- is required to book your appointment. To clarify a common miss conception- Giving me times that you are available
does not guarantee a booking. I will confirm all bookings in writing and at that time your deposit is due. When requesting a Mini
Session your entire session fee is due to reserve your spot. Your retainer is non refundable if your session is cancelled with no more than 2 weeks notice.
Late-Any amount of late time up to 15 minutes, past your scheduled time, will be removed from your session. Any time past 20 minutes will result in a canceled session and will be considered a no show. This includes customers that call & notify. Although I do appreciate the notice I often have sessions back to back and have to arrange for my personal child care.
Minis- Minis are offered periodically through the year and typically book up with in minutes. Mini Session spots can never be guaranteed. If a desired mini books, before you can reserve a spot, please send me a message on FB to request a wait list spot.
Your Session ONLY includes what you paid for and cannot be added to the day of your appointment. If you wish to add more people to your session, I will need that information in advance to adjust the pricing & to better prepare. I do offer an La Carte Editing for anything additional you would like to add to a portrait.
Galleries are only available to download for 2 weeks after your receive your download. After two weeks there is a $25 gallery reload fee